Come to the Table

Ep. 27-“Love Beyond Borders” Sean McCoy (Pt. 2)

Pt. 2 of Sean’s story. Three things you will want to hear in this conversation: his heart’s desire to truly understand and love everyone,  as he sees Jesus did;  his bright mind, that is constantly reasoning, asking why, and reminding him of his own humanity; and his boyish humor that lights up a room. Add to this the vast amount of countries he has visited, his experience in the military, mistakes that he has made, and a loving family, that has helped cancer patients for decades, and you have a moving inspiring listen.   It is like sitting at the table with your wiser older brother you respect.  Enjoy!

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Ep. 26-“Forgiveness Beyond Reason” Sean McCoy (Pt. 1)

Fancy cars. Manicured lawns. Elite neighborhoods. Intellect. Science. Is this what life is really about? 
As life unfolds,  Sean finds himself weeping on a porch… empty… searching.
In his story, he shares with us his journey to faith… through his mind… and his heart… the childhood that made it harder to do so… and the one thing that changed everything for him and his family.

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