Altered Stories Ministry

Bonus Episode17-“QUARANTINE Help & Hope for Moms” (Extra content: gift from The Christian Podcasters Association)

QUARANTINE LIFE. We are all there…  How are we doing with anxiety? stress? finding new helpful tools to cope, and even to thrive? Caris Snider, Jen Ervig, and I, sit down for a chat to talk about these things. We are Moms. Moms trusting Jesus through this scary, crazy, historical beautiful time, praying that our chat, lightens your load, lifts your heart, and helps you honor God more fully.

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Episode 14-“Freedom. Sweet Freedom, and Healing” (post-cult) Mischelle Saunders-Gottsch

Mischelle has a childhood that no one wants to have, but it is her story.  In her most formative years, she was going to public school by day, and involved in a cult, by night, with her family.  She walks us through her journey of faith…how her mom was led into this group…what the deception looked like…how she and her family were able to break free… and the freedom and healing she and her family have experienced since.FREEDOM. Sweet freedom and healing, through the love of her savior, family and community.You can hear more about @Mischelle Saunders-Gottsch and her ministry @Altered Stories, on Instagram, and on facebook. Also, in this episode, @Lisa O’Neill, a new listener,  shares a poem she wrote, inspired by a loving friend and her journey. She has a variety blog on Facebook called @Poetry, Prose, and Assorted Ponderings. 

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