postpartum depression

Ep. 23-“Beautifully Made” Ryann Gaines (Faith Mamas-Pt. 3)

Beautifully made. We hear that. Many of us know that.  But just repeating that doesn’t get us there in our thinking and in our self-talk.  Ryann shares with us her story of getting there, to a place where she knows she is soooo loved by her heavenly Father, and uniquely beautiful in His sight.
 On her journey of getting there, she walked through a difficult season, including postpartum depression, suicidal thoughts and unhealthy feelings of unworthiness. Her loving family and friends walked her through that  season, and she has come out on the other side. As we hear her gentle spirit and faith inviting us into her life, I pray we also get to that place of knowing we too are beautifully made.

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Ep. 21-“No Longer Hiding” Dominique Young (Faith Mamas-Pt. 1)

How many of us can say the worst time in our lives was the best time. Dominique Young can.  For her, the joys of motherhood unexpectedly turned into a crucible of pain…and misdiagnosis. Thankfully, her story doesn’t end there. Her season of affliction led her to a beautiful ministry, one which any Mama can participate in.

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Episode 15-“Movement Maker” Katie Hornor

If you had to title your passion for life in two words, what would it be? Katie’s is “Movement Maker.” From her humble beginnings and strong roots in Christ–raised in a small town two hours from any mall–to online conferences, reaching thousands of families in the Spanish homeschool space, and many other ministries, the Lord and her family have served by her side.  In her story, you will hear  her unwavering determination to serve in far-off lands,  her years of struggle and pain to get there, and her rising as a phoenix from the ashes, to soar into a vast ministry the Lord had prepared for her.  A movement indeed.

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