Christian Podcast

Episode 14-“Freedom. Sweet Freedom, and Healing” (post-cult) Mischelle Saunders-Gottsch

Mischelle has a childhood that no one wants to have, but it is her story.  In her most formative years, she was going to public school by day, and involved in a cult, by night, with her family.  She walks us through her journey of faith…how her mom was led into this group…what the deception looked like…how she and her family were able to break free… and the freedom and healing she and her family have experienced since.FREEDOM. Sweet freedom and healing, through the love of her savior, family and community.You can hear more about @Mischelle Saunders-Gottsch and her ministry @Altered Stories, on Instagram, and on facebook. Also, in this episode, @Lisa O’Neill, a new listener,  shares a poem she wrote, inspired by a loving friend and her journey. She has a variety blog on Facebook called @Poetry, Prose, and Assorted Ponderings. 

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Episode 11-Bonus Episode “Heaven” (Including a Tribute to my Mom)

Sadness. Pain. Joy. Life. Love. Hope .  What gets me excited as i go through this life is… where i am going after…and bringing others to that hope. HEAVEN.  Have u ever stopped to think much about what this might be like?  As you listen, you will hear many voices, from toddlers, to friends in their 90’s share their answer to the question, “what are you most looking forward to about heaven?”  Enjoy. At the end of this episode, my family and i put together a tribute to our Mom, Jeanne, who passed away in April,  2019.  She was definitely not a cookie cutter Mom, which you will perceive instantly. You will hear the voices of many of her 4 siblings, 5 children, 17 grand-children and 4 great-grandchildren offering precious thoughts and stories.  At the end of the episode, her loving husband of 25 years, Conan…shares their very unique love Also, you can hear the beautiful song “Here I Am, Lord” by Daniel L. Schutte 1982 OCP Publications. All rights reserved. Used with permission. 

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Episode 5-“The Afterlife…His Fearless Hope” Tim Walton

Have you ever left a funeral encouraged? For some this may seem like a paradox. When Tim Walton officiates, there is such a celebration of loved ones, and a looking forward to heaven, hope is sparked in the midst of grief and sadness. this perspective comes from his heart, and u will hear this and more, in his story. He will share what was on his heart as a young boy and young man, and how thinking about his welcome into heaven has gripped and shaped his life. Tim has officiated more than 170 funerals, many, of his beloved friends. He and his wife Merilee live in Snohomish, Wa. He is a part-time pastor at Snohomish Community Church, and an avid outdoorsman. 

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Episode 2-“Facing Inadequacy & Misconceptions About God” Alycia Myers (newlywed)

Her story is one of working through feelings of inadequacy and misconceptions about God, to embracing and sharing God’s grace and love, all while managing the ups and downs of chronic health issues. Alycia Myers has been married for two years to her loving husband, Josh. She is a nanny, and a social media influencer, going back to school. She is passionate about sharing her life lessons, thoughts and struggles, in person and through writing and live stories on Instagram. Her story and her heart are having an impact on many, of all ages and stages of life.

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Episode 1- “Misdiagnosed & a Ward of the State Away at College” JP Glesener

My beloved son and 1st podcast guest, shares his story, of a faithful God, family, and community advocating for him, when he was too sick to do so for himself. January 1st, 2016, he was away at college, with 46 days of misdiagnosis, doctor and hospital negligence, a ward of the state, in a mental institution, suffering the effects of intense anti-psychotic drugs, reaching a point of abject hopelessness. He shares this journey, as well as his rightful diagnosis, encephalitis, and his journey to complete recovery. He is passionate about helping college students, and engaging his community, grateful, healed and paying it forward. CREDITS-This podcast was made possible by the love, help and encouragement of my family—confirming and shaping the vision for it, technical direction and input, art work, editing, taping, creating sound bites, creating the music, willingness to share your stories. Mike, Naomi (and your family), Hannah, Havilah (and your family), JP, Eden, Micah, Jordan and Elijah Glesener; you all are my daily joy and inspiration. To my Lord, for whom I live and breathe, and seek to honor with every fiber of my being, I am grateful. 

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